Contact me
Always ready to answer your questions.
Don’t know how to teach your dog the weaves? Or are your dog’s weaves unreliable? Look no further! This step-by-step course will guide you from the very beginning to a bulletproof, trustworthy, slalom with all the entries, exits and discrimination.
This course ensures you and your dog will have an independent and reliable see-saw with clear criteria, from the first day on. We will delve into the 2on2off method as well as the 4on one, so you can decide which suits your dog best.
If you want to set reliable foundations for your dog’s entire agility career, this course is the one for you. It will guide you through all the basics of agility and give you and your dog the knowledge you need to start competing.
3 x working spots.
1 working spot x 2 auditor spots.
3 x auditor spots.
Lea Komat S.P.
Jakceva 39
1000 Ljubljana
IBAN SI56 0284 3026 5945 468